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SS 2025: Quantum Information Methods for Many-Body Physics

Lecturers: Xhek Turkeshi and Markus Heinrich
Course format: 3+1 hours per week (6 CP)
Times: Mondays 16:00 - 17:30 (Seminarraum II. Physik), Thursdays 10:00-11:30 (Seminarraum Theorie).
Registration: via KLIPS

Module: Primary/secondary area of specialization "Foundations of Quantum Technologies" or "Solid State Theory / Computational Physics" (Physics Master). External students are welcome.

Prerequisites: Knowledge of quantum mechanics and many-body physics at the bachelor level. Completion of the "Quantum Information Theory" course and/or a many-body physics course at the master level (e.g. "Solid State Theory" or "Quantum Computational Physics") will be helpful, but is not required.


  1. Introduction: Motivation & overview, linear algebra
  2. Quantum randomness I: Haar integration, Weingarten calculus, unitary designs
  3. Measuring properties of many-body states: Classical shadows and applications
  4. Quantum randomness II: Random quantum circuits
  5. Random dynamics in many-body systems: Entanglement dynamics, scrambling in chaotic systems

Lecture notes: Will be provided on this website.

Exercises: There will be exercises roughly every two weeks, including some numerical ones in the context of applications.